How Much Does Log Siding Cost? What is A Brief History of Log Siding?

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When considering whether to use log siding for your home’s exterior, it’s important to understand how much does log siding cost. While the cost of log siding can vary depending on the type and quality of materials used, as well as other factors like labor and supplies, we have done our research to provide an rough estimate for some typical scenarios.

In this blog post, we will break down the cost categories involved with installing log siding in an effort to help you get a better understanding of what kind of budgeting is needed before beginning work. Read on to learn more about how much different types and sizes of logs will likely set you back when it comes time install them around your home.

What is a brief history of log siding?

Log siding dates back to the early days of America and has been used as a building material since then.

The variety consists of wood panels that are cut and milled into different shapes and sizes, which can be installed on any wall surface.

It’s easy to install, looks great, and is an ideal choice for anyone who wants an authentic, rustic look for their home exterior.

What is log siding?

Log siding is an exterior cladding made from logs and boards cut to specific lengths. 

These cuts are then attached to the outside of a home, creating an alternative to traditional wood siding. 

Log siding is often used in rustic homes because it provides a more natural look and can be combined with other exterior materials such as brick or stucco. 

What are the different types of log siding?

Log siding is available in a variety of materials, including wood, D-logs (made from polystyrene foam), concrete logs, and steel logs.

Each type offers its unique look, durability, and cost. 

When choosing the right type of log siding, make sure to consider how much wear and tear it will endure over time. 

What is the style of log siding?

Log siding is available in a wide range of styles, from traditional log cabins to modern designs.

For a classic look, opt for tongue-and-groove logs with chinking between the slots.

If you’re looking for a modern look, consider metal log siding which comes in many different finishes and textures.

What are half logs?

Half logs are a variation of log siding that offers a unique look and are installed on the bottom half of a home’s exterior.

These half logs can be solid or hollow, depending on how much insulation you want to provide your home.

What are quarter logs?

Quarter logs are similar to half logs but they only cover the bottom quarter of your home’s exterior.

These are a great choice if you want to add a unique and rustic look, without taking up too much space.

What are D Logs?

D-logs are a type of log siding that is made from polystyrene foam logs.

These logs provide excellent insulation and are much lighter than traditional wood logs, making them easier to install and maintain.

What is chink joint?

Chink joint is a type of log siding that uses strips of wood or vinyl to create gaps between each log.

This allows air and light to enter the home, while also providing additional insulation.

What is tongue-and-groove?

Tongue-and-groove logs are connected together at the edges, creating a strong and secure fit.

These logs also provide extra insulation and create a rustic look to your home’s exterior.

What is confederate V joint?

Confederate V Joint is a type of log siding that uses a “V” shaped cut in each board, creating an alternating pattern.

This creates a unique look and also helps to provide extra insulation for your home.

What are log siding materials?

Log siding is typically made from wood, but can also be made from materials such as vinyl, cement, and steel.

Wood log siding

Wood log siding is a timeless, classic choice for exterior cladding. Artfully constructed from a selection of woods such as cedar and pine, this material has been carefully milled into even sizes to suit multiple installation styles.

Wood log siding will provide your home with an unbeatable rustic charm and can be used for a variety of building types.

Although there are many benefits to building a log cabin, it still has some of the same drawbacks as traditional wooden structures. As wood is prone to swelling and warping due to moisture, regular treatment or staining must be applied in order for the structure to survive harsh weather conditions.

To preserve its vibrancy and hue, this stain or paint should be reapplied every few years. To prevent discoloration in the interim, pressure washing is required to keep your wood looking beautiful.

Solid wood log siding is not a great insulator, making it difficult to construct an airtight structure. Numerous types of insulation sheathing are available and can be utilized with solid wood log siding; however, the results may differ.

Vinyl log siding

Vinyl log siding is a great choice for those who want an affordable option that offers a range of colors and textures. 

Cement log siding provides excellent durability and protection against moisture, while steel log siding is a great option for those looking for a modern look. 

Vinyl is virtually maintenance-free, never needing a fresh coat of paint or stain, and remains unaffected by any moisture.

But the material is influenced by temperature. In very cold climates, vinyl siding can become brittle and crack while in extremely hot weather it may melt.

As a result, depending on the climate you install your siding in, you may find that it doesn’t stand up as well over time – from cracking to splitting or even warping!

Utilizing vinyl as insulation is not effective, so an additional protective barrier must be employed for the outer walls of your home to keep out heat and air.

The last downside to vinyl siding is it’s aesthetic. Just like traditional vinyl, log-look material makes it evident that it’s made of plastic.

Furthermore, the material is commonly formed in large and compressed sheets. The connecting areas between the sheets are clearly visible, while in a genuine log cabin, there would usually be seams or joins, yet with this material, it is all one cohesive and smooth surface.

As a result, the exterior may appear less genuine and authentic–and any potential benefit of needing low maintenance can be undermined.

Concrete log siding

Concrete log siding is another option if you want something that is more resistant to moisture and rot. 

Concrete logs are also available in a variety of colors and textures, allowing you to customize your look. 

Unlike vinyl, concrete allows for a more realistic design element due to its ability to be installed piece by piece with an authentic-looking seam or join between the planks. Not only does this give your home a personalized touch but also eliminates large and unattractive pressed sheets.

While concrete is heavy, costly, and has its limitations, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks before making a final decision.

In order to keep your concrete surfaces looking their best, frequent washing and staining are a must since the material’s porous nature allows stains to set in.

Concrete’s weak tensile strength can cause it to crack under impact, especially in areas with frequent freeze/thaw cycles. This makes using the material potentially hazardous for climates that experience extremely cold temperatures.

During the winter months, moisture can penetrate into any small crevices of concrete surfaces and freeze.

This causes expansion that splits apart the siding and results in costly repairs to come springtime. To avoid this dilemma, it is important to seal cracks before temperatures drop too low for effective application.

Although concrete is a more resilient material than vinyl, it may not be the ideal option for your home depending on the climate of its location.

Steel log siding

Steel log siding is an alternative that provides excellent protection against the elements. 

It’s also very durable and can be customized to achieve the desired look.

Steel siding offers the same rustic aesthetic as that of concrete, yet remains impervious to changes in humidity and temperature.

Thus, it won’t develop fissures or be damaged during volatile weather conditions like those experienced in cold climates.

Steel is molded and installed with a genuine look, unlike huge sheets of vinyl that produce noticeable seams in irregular locations.

Steel is a reliable material that stands the test of time, staying vibrant and chip-free throughout its lifespan. You won’t have to worry about reapplying paint as you might with wooden siding; steel never needs touch ups!

By virtue of its hollow back, steel siding offers the ideal insulation for an impenetrable building envelope that can drastically reduce energy costs in any home. Insulating with a highly-rated R-value material maximizes this effect and ensures consistent savings over time.

Steel log-look siding, with its several different colors that replicate the look of stained wood, is virtually indistinguishable once it’s installed.

However, this product drastically outperforms and outmatches traditional wood in areas such as long-term performance, maintenance requirements, and energy efficiency – making your home far more comfortable.

How long does log siding last?

The life expectancy of log siding can depend on how it was installed and how well it was maintained. 

Generally, wood logs are expected to last between 10 and 20 years while D-logs, concrete logs, and steel logs can last up to 30 years. 

Proper maintenance such as regular staining, caulking, and painting can also extend the life of your log siding’s appearance. 

What are the benefits of log siding?

Log siding provides several benefits, including increased energy efficiency, improved interior air quality, and protection from the elements.

Log siding also adds a unique aesthetic to your home that can increase its property value. 

Less expensive than full logs

Maximize your savings by taking advantage of five different cost-reduction methods: reduce material costs, outsource labor at a lower cost, get competitive shipping rates, skip the need for crane rental fees, and purchase items on sale with discounts of 20% to 25%.

By choosing to side over full log construction, you will be able to save hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

Unfavorable weather can have a tremendous effect on the installation of full logs, resulting in increased labor costs and lost time.

You can save hundreds of dollars per hour by forgoing the hiring of a crane and operator.

Tongue and groove with end-matching

Tongue and groove with end-matching are designed for easy installation. 

The tongue and groove mean that it fits together like a puzzle, eliminating the need for additional fasteners. 

End-matching ensures that there are no exposed ends in between pieces, which can help to protect against water infiltration.

Log siding has become increasingly popular over the years due to its affordability and unique look. 

With proper maintenance, it can provide a beautiful addition to your home for many years. 

Receive orders in two weeks or fewer

Ordering log siding can be a lengthy process, but with the right supplier and a few simple steps, you can receive your order in two weeks or fewer.

First, choose a reputable supplier with a wide selection of logs to meet all of your needs. 

Then, confirm how many pieces are needed for the job at hand and how quickly the material is needed.

Request a custom quote for pricing, and specify your desired delivery date. 

Finally, pay for the order and wait for it to arrive in two weeks or fewer. With this method, you can receive your log siding orders with minimal waiting time.  

By following these steps, you can ensure that you get the high-quality log siding you need for your home.

Lightweight compared to full logs 

Log siding is much lighter than full logs, making it easier to install and transport. 

This can lead to significant savings in labor costs since it requires less muscle power and time to complete the installation process.

The lightweight material also allows for more flexibility when constructing walls or other structures with log siding, as it can be adjusted and reshaped as needed.

Homeowners can install log siding 

Anyone with basic knowledge of how to use power tools can install log siding. 

The process starts by measuring the wall and cutting any necessary sections of the siding to fit. 

Once that is done, the next step is to install the tongue and groove pieces using adhesive or nails. 

After all the pieces are installed, you can then stain and seal the siding. 

By following these simple steps, homeowners can successfully install their own log siding in a matter of hours. 

Matching trim and corner systems

To complete the look of your log siding, you can add matching trim and corner systems. 

These components help to give the project a more finished look, as well as hide any joints between pieces of siding. 

They are also resistant to rot and insects, making them a great choice for long-term use.

Materials arrive defect-free

When ordering log siding, make sure to choose a supplier that stands behind the quality of their product. 

Look for a company that inspects all materials before shipping and guarantees that it arrives defect-free. 

By doing so, you’ll be able to rest assured knowing that your order will arrive in perfect condition. 

In conclusion, log siding is an affordable and efficient alternative to full-log construction. 

It can be installed by homeowners with basic knowledge of how to use power tools, and comes in a variety of colors and styles. 

By matching trim and corner systems, homeowners can create a more finished look for their projects.

Be sure to select a reputable supplier that offers guaranteed defect-free materials and quick delivery to complete your order in two weeks or fewer. 

What are the drawbacks of log siding?

The main drawback of log siding is that it does not offer the same level of insulation as full logs.

In addition, log siding can be more susceptible to damage from moisture and pests if not properly sealed and maintained.

Additionally, the weight of the material can cause some structural issues in certain areas or in older homes with weaker foundations.

How to make log siding?

Installing log siding requires basic knowledge of how to use power tools. 

The process begins by measuring the wall and cutting any necessary sections of the siding to fit. 

Once that is done, the next step is to install the tongue and groove pieces using adhesive or nails. After all the pieces are installed, you can then stain and seal the siding. 

To complete the look of your log siding, you can add matching trim and corner systems for a more finished look. 

Finally, caulk any joints between pieces of siding to prevent water seepage and insect infestation. 

With these steps, homeowners will be able to successfully install their own log siding in a matter of hours. 

What is concrete log siding?

Concrete log siding is a great alternative to natural logs for homeowners looking for an easy, economical, and energy-efficient way to upgrade their homes.

Unlike other types of log siding, concrete log siding is not only durable, but also provides superior insulation against cold and hot temperatures. 

In addition, concrete logs can be molded into any shape or design.

They also come in a variety of colors and textures, making them easy to match with existing decor. 

Concrete log siding is an excellent alternative for anyone looking for a natural-looking exterior without the maintenance that comes with traditional wood siding. 

What is steel log siding?

Steel log siding is a unique and durable material that combines the look and feel of real logs with the strength of steel.

It’s an excellent choice for homeowners looking for a low-maintenance, weather-resistant option that won’t warp or fade over time. 

Steel log siding is also fire-resistant and does not require painting or staining.

It also comes in colors and textures that mimic natural wood, making it easy to match existing decor.

Steel log siding is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a low-maintenance, long-lasting solution for their exterior walls.

How to stain log siding?

Staining and sealing your log siding is an important step in preserving its natural beauty. 

Begin by prepping the surface to remove any dirt, debris, or other contaminants that may have settled on the siding. 

Next, use a high-quality brush or roller to apply the stain evenly across all surfaces. 

When to stain log siding?

Staining should be done when temperatures are between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 

The siding must also be completely dry before staining to ensure the best results. 

Allow the stain to penetrate into the wood for at least two hours before wiping off any excess with a clean cloth. 

Where to caulk wood siding?

Caulking is important for preventing moisture from penetrating the wood and causing damage. 

Be sure to apply caulk around all joints and seams, including corners, door frames, windows, trim pieces, and any other areas where two pieces of siding come together. 

How often does wood siding need to be painted?

Log siding should be painted every 3-5 years, depending on the climate and how well it is sealed. 

It is also important to inspect for any signs of wear and tear such as cracks, chips, or fading that may indicate a need for repainting sooner. 

When painting wood siding, always use high-quality paint and primer specifically designed for exterior surfaces. 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application to ensure the best results. 

With proper maintenance and care, wood siding can last up to 20 years or more before it needs to be replaced.

How often does wood siding need to be replaced?

Log siding typically needs to be replaced every 20-30 years, depending on how well it is maintained and how much exposure it has to the elements. 

Inspect your wood siding regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as cracking, warping, or fading. 

If you find any damage that cannot be repaired, it may be time to replace the siding. 

Replacing wood siding can be a relatively straightforward process if you have the right tools and materials.

Be sure to consult with an experienced contractor before beginning any work. 

Where to buy log siding?

Log siding is available at many local home improvement stores, as well as online retailers. 

Be sure to compare prices and materials before making your purchase to ensure you get the best quality for your budget. 

You can also find discounts on log siding when buying in bulk or through a contractor. 

What are the factors impacting log siding costs?

Some of the major factors that can impact how much log siding costs include the type and quality of wood used, labor cost, and additional finishing such as staining, caulking, and painting. 

Additionally, how much square footage is being covered may also play a role in how costly the installation will be.

How much does log siding cost?

The cost of log siding can range from a few hundred dollars for a small project to several thousand for larger projects. 

On average, you can expect to pay between $5 and $10 per square foot for installation, not including additional materials or labor costs. 

For more expensive options such as concrete log siding or steel log siding, the cost can be significantly higher. 

How much is log siding for a house?

The cost of installing log siding on an entire house can range from $7,000 to $30,000, depending on the size and complexity of the job. 

It’s important to note that this price does not include labor or materials.  Professional installation costs will vary depending on the type of siding and how much work is needed.

How much does it cost to install log siding?

The cost of installing log siding varies depending on the size of the project, the materials used, and any additional services that may be required. 

On average, expect to pay between $7 – $10 per square foot for both material and labor. 

Be sure to discuss any additional costs with your contractor before beginning the project to avoid any surprises down the line. 

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How to install log siding for the exterior?

Installing log siding for the exterior of your home requires careful planning and preparation.

Start by measuring the area to be covered and purchasing enough material to complete the job. 

Next, you will need to prepare the surface by removing any existing siding and inspecting for rot or damage.

Once that is done and the surface is clean, you can begin installing the siding. 

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to properly install log siding and use a level and square to ensure accuracy. 

Finally, caulk any seams or joints between pieces of siding for additional protection against moisture and wind damage.

How to save on log siding?

There are several ways to save on log siding, including buying in bulk, shopping around for discounts, and choosing lower-cost materials.

If you’re doing the installation yourself, be sure to purchase all of your material at once and double-check to make sure that everything is included before starting the project.  

For those hiring a contractor, make sure to get multiple estimates and compare prices.  

You can also look for discounts or sales on materials that may help lower the overall cost of the project.  

Finally, consider using cheaper materials such as composite wood siding or steel log siding instead of real wood for additional savings.  

By following these tips, you can save money on your log siding project and still achieve the look you desire. 


Is log siding expensive?

Log siding can range in price depending on the type and cost of materials used.

On average, expect to pay between $5 – $10 per square foot for installation, not including additional materials or labor costs. 

What is the best log siding?

The best log siding depends on the type of look and durability you are hoping to achieve.

Real wood is typically the most expensive option, but it is also the most durable and long-lasting. 

Composite wood or steel log siding may be an affordable alternative and still offer a similar aesthetic.

How thick is log siding?

The thickness of log siding varies depending on the type of material and how it is installed.

Real wood siding can range in thickness from 3/4 inch to 1-1/2 inches, while composite or steel siding may be thinner. 

Be sure to check with your manufacturer for details about the specific product you are using. 

What is the cheapest wood siding?

The cheapest wood siding typically depends on the type of material used and how it is installed.

Composite wood or steel log siding is typically the most affordable, while real wood can be more expensive. 

Be sure to compare prices before making a purchase and discuss any additional costs with your contractor for an accurate price estimate. 

Do log homes keep their value?

Log homes are known to be long-term investments and can provide lasting value when properly maintained.

With the right care, log homes can maintain or even increase in value over time. 

Proper maintenance includes regular cleaning and inspecting for rot or damage as well as applying protective coatings such as sealants and stains to preserve the wood. 

Log homes can also provide a unique and desirable aesthetic, making them a great choice for those looking to invest in real estate. ​​​ ​​​​​  ​ ​​​ ​​​​

Is log siding cheaper than logs?

Log siding is typically cheaper than real logs due to the difference in material and installation costs.

Real logs require more labor, additional materials, and more time to install compared to log siding. 

Be sure to compare prices before making a purchase in order to get the best deal on your project. ​​​

Do log homes stay warm?

Log homes are well-insulated and can stay warm in the winter months.

The thick walls of a log home help to keep heat from escaping, while the dense wood material helps to absorb the sun’s energy during the day and release it at night, keeping temperatures more consistent. 

In addition, proper installation of windows and doors, as well as adding insulation to the walls and attic can help improve energy efficiency further. 

Why is it hard to get insurance on a log home?

Insuring a log home can be difficult as these types of homes are considered to be at greater risk for fire and other damage due to the materials used.

As such, insurance companies may require additional safety precautions before providing coverage such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and sprinklers. 

It is important to compare rates from different companies and consult with a specialist to ensure that you are getting the best deal for your log home insurance. 

It is also important to take proper precautions when caring for your log home, such as regularly inspecting for rot or damage, applying protective coatings, and ensuring all safety measures are in place. 

Doing so can help to reduce the risk of damage and make it easier to obtain coverage.​​​ ​​​​  ​ ​​​   ​​​ ​​​​


In short, finding out how much does log siding cost is a great option for those looking to achieve a rustic aesthetic while saving money. It can be made from real wood, composite wood, steel, or even concrete and ranges in thickness depending on how it is installed. Log homes are known to provide lasting value when well-maintained, but insurance for these types of homes can be difficult to obtain.