How To Find the Perfect Second Hand Log Cabin For Your Home?

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If you’re looking for a way to add value and charm to your home without breaking the bank, consider investing in a second hand log cabin.

Pre-built cabins are not only cost-effective but also bring savings on time and labor, making them an ideal solution for those wanting the benefits of owning a cabin at a fraction of the cost. So if you’re considering adding a log cabin to your property, here’s what you need to know about finding the perfect one for your home.

Should you buy second hand log cabin?

The decision to buy a Second Hand Log Cabin is ultimately up to the individual and their needs. There are many benefits associated with buying second-hand, such as cost savings and the ability to customize an existing structure.

  • Not only can you save money upfront, but buying a pre-owned log cabin may also be more cost-effective in the long run due to its durability and strength.
  • Additionally, when you purchase a second hand log cabins, you have the benefit of being able to inspect it closely before signing on the dotted line. This allows you to make sure that it is structurally sound and free of any hidden damage or rot.
  • Furthermore, second-hand log cabins often come with all of the necessary accessories already included, making setup easier and more cost-efficient than if you were to purchase new materials separately.

On the other hand, there are some potential drawbacks when considering a 2nd hand log cabins such as wear and tear from age or previous owners’ neglect. However, if done correctly, purchasing a pre-owned log cabin can be highly rewarding in terms of both financial savings and aesthetic appeal.

How to find the perfect second hand log cabin for your home?

  • Consider size, style, and location requirements
  • Research reputable sellers online or locally
  • Inspect the cabin before purchasing it
  • Get professional advice if necessary

Finding the perfect second-hand log cabin for your home can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and careful consideration, it is certainly possible. Before you begin your search, it is essential to consider size, style, and location requirements. Your cabin should fit perfectly into the area you intend to install it in and should also match the style of your existing home. Once you have these specifics established, you can begin researching reputable sellers online or locally.

When inspecting a cabin before purchasing it, make sure to check for any signs of damage or wear that could reduce its value over time. If necessary, get professional advice from experts in the field who can tell you whether a specific cabin is suitable for your needs.

Furthermore, once you have narrowed down your selection to a few options, make sure to inspect each one thoroughly in order to determine how well they will stand up against external elements such as weather or pests.

Finally, by carefully considering all factors before making a final decision on which second-hand log cabin is best suited for your home and environment, you will ensure that it lasts long into the future and provides enjoyment for years to come.

Guide to buying a second hand log cabin

When considering the purchase of a second-hand log cabin, an important first step is to conduct an exhaustive exterior inspection. This should include a check for the condition of staining on the logs, as well as any logs that may be in contact with the ground or that are rotten. 

Condition of log cabin staining

When it comes to ensuring that the staining of a log cabin is in good condition, there are a few tests that can be done. The simplest test is to examine how water interacts with the logs.

If the water beads up and rolls off of the surface, then this indicates that the finish is still effective. On the other hand, if the water absorbs into the logs then this reveals that the stain is no longer doing its job and should be reapplied or replaced. 

Logs touching the ground

When it comes to checking if logs are touching the ground, there is a simple rule of thumb: the logs should be at least six inches above the ground. This ensures that the logs will not become susceptible to moisture and other environmental elements that can damage or rot them.

Furthermore, keeping the logs off of the ground allows for air circulation around them, helping to keep them dry. To make sure that this gap is maintained, you may want to use something like a level or measuring tape to make sure everything is exactly where it needs to be.

Doing these things will help ensure that your logs remain in good condition for years to come and provide structural integrity where needed.

Rotten logs

Checking for rotten logs is an important step when it comes to maintaining the structure of your home. To ensure that your logs are in good condition, you should check them periodically using a few simple techniques.

Start by tapping on each log with a hammer, listening for the difference between hollow and solid sounds. If you hear a hollow sound or the hammer bounces off the log, you can suspect that rot may have started to set in.

You can also look for signs of decay such as discoloration and cracks which can indicate interior rot. If decay is present, it’s best to replace the logs as quickly as possible before further damage occurs.

Hiring an experienced contractor to inspect and replace any decaying wood can help protect your home from further structural damage down the line.

Overhangs/exposed logs

When checking the overhangs or exposed logs of a cabin, it is important to make sure they are of the proper length. Generally speaking, one should look for an overhang of at least 24 inches on the roof of a single-story cabin and 36 inches for a two-story house. This is to ensure that rainwater and snow will flow away from the walls, preventing water damage to the logs themselves.

Additionally, it is important to check for adequate ventilation beneath the eaves as this will help reduce moisture levels in the log walls and prevent rot.

Furthermore, inspecting for gaps between the ends of logs and siding can also be beneficial; these spaces should be caulked with an appropriate sealant to keep them sealed against moisture intrusion.

Finally, when inspecting overhangs and exposed logs look out for any signs of decay or cracks in the wood that may be indicative of deeper damage lurking beneath the surface.

Taking all these steps can help ensure that your cabin remains structurally sound and looks great for many years to come.


Checking the gutters is an important part of making sure that a home is safe and secure. To make sure that the gutters are in good condition, there are several steps that should be taken.

  • First, inspect the gutters visually to look for signs of damage such as rust or separation from the roofline. It is also important to check the inside of the gutters by removing any debris or build-up of leaves and sticks. This can be done using a garden hose with a pressure nozzle or a brush.
  • If moss is growing on the outside of gutters, this must also be removed to ensure proper function. After performing these visual inspections, it is necessary to use a ladder to safely climb up onto the roof and check for any signs of leaks or overflow at each downspout.
  • Once on top of the roof, it is also important to check for missing or loose pieces of flashing surrounding pipe collars and vents.
  • Finally, after all, inspections have been completed and any necessary repairs made, it is important to regularly clean out debris from inside the gutter channels to ensure their proper function over time.

Insect infestation

In order to determine if an insect infestation is in a good state, there are several steps that should be taken to assess the situation.

  • First, it is important to identify what species of insects have invaded the area and how long they have been present. This will help to determine the extent of any damage caused by the infestation and whether or not immediate action needs to be taken.
  • Second, it is important to assess the environment of the infestation in order to determine if there are any conditions that can contribute to the problem. For example, if there is too much moisture in an area, this can make it more attractive for certain insects and facilitate their spread.
  • Finally, using a combination of visual inspection and pest control products can provide more information about whether an insect infestation has reached an acceptable level or not.

By taking all these factors into consideration when assessing an insect infestation, one can make sure that any potential problems are identified early on and dealt with quickly before they become major issues.

Caulking and checking

When it comes to checking the caulking and chinking of a log cabin, it is important to inspect the area regularly in order to ensure that your log home is properly sealed and weatherproofed.

  • To begin, start by looking at the chinking material itself. Make sure that there are no visible cracks or gaps where air may be getting into the interior of your cabin. If you do find any damage, you can use either a caulk gun or an elastomeric sealant such as a polyurethane chinking to patch up any holes or cracks.
  • Once all of the chinking material has been inspected and repaired if needed, take some time to check around doors and windows for potential drafts. This can be done with simple hand-held tools such as a lighted match or incense stick which help detect subtle air movement that could indicate drafts and then can be sealed with elastomeric caulking.
  • Finally, make sure to look at your roofline for any holes or areas of weak insulation which may allow outside air into the interior of your cabin. Again, these areas should be patched with either elastomeric caulk or foam insulation in order to keep the warm air inside where it belongs during cold winter months.

By following these simple steps on a regular basis, you can maintain your cabin’s caulking and chinking for years to come and help ensure that your log home is well insulated against outside elements.

Settling & shrinking

When checking to ensure that Settling & Shrinking is good, it is important to look at various factors.

  • Begin by noting the quality of the material being used in the process. Make sure that it is of high quality and free from any defects or issues that could affect the results.
  • Additionally, make sure that proper techniques are being utilized during the settling and shrinking process. This includes keeping an eye on temperature control, as this can have an impact on how well the settling and shrinking work.
  • Additionally, pay attention to how much time is spent on the process, as this can influence how successful it is in its results.
  • Lastly, test the samples afterward to assess their consistency and determine if they meet desired standards.

Ultimately, with careful attention to each detail involved in settling and shrinking, one can ensure its success in providing good quality end-products.

Decks & porches

When it comes to ensuring the quality of a deck or porch construction project, there are several steps that should be taken in order to make sure it is up to a high standard.

  • Firstly, it is important to check that any materials used are of the highest possible quality and that they have been properly treated against weather damage.
  • Secondly, when reviewing the finished product, it is also important to look for any signs of wear and tear that may suggest underlying structural problems and weak points.
  • Additionally, when looking at the overall design of a deck or porch, one should consider whether it follows relevant building codes and regulations in order to reduce potential safety hazards.
  • Finally, it is always an advantage to have an experienced professional inspect the structure – either before or after completion – as this can help identify any issues that may not be immediately obvious.

With these methods in mind, anyone can check if a deck or porch is of good quality with relative ease.

How much is an old log cabin worth?

An old log cabin can be worth a great deal depending on its condition, location, and history. An antique log cabin in a desirable area, in good condition with features like original interior wood trim and stone fireplaces, could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Ultimately, an old log cabin’s market worth is determined by the level of demand for such dwellings at the time of sale.

How much does a reclaimed log cabin cost?

Reclaimed log cabins can come with a range of costs depending on the size and condition. Smaller, single-room cabins may start as low as $5,000 to $7,000 for the materials and labor needed to restore the cabin.

For larger and more extensive log cabins, the price can range from tens of thousands of dollars up to six figures for those that have been fully restored. It’s important to factor in the cost of additional items such as insulation and roofing that may be needed if you are looking into an older model cabin.

As a general rule, it’s best to plan for your budget by adding 20% to any estimated cost, which will cover any additional needs or repairs that you might encounter along the way. Reclaimed log cabins can also bring unique advantages in terms of historical charm and increased energy efficiency due to their thicker walls.

As such, they offer a great investment option that not only provides an enjoyable living space but also adds value to a property over time.

Some advice when buying second hand log cabin

1. Consider whether you will use the log cabin frequently and if it fits your lifestyle needs. If you need a space that is used often, then a second-hand log cabin may be a great option.

2. Research the quality of the logs, construction materials and overall condition before committing to buying a preloved log cabins. Ensure that the building is in good condition, with all components in working order, before purchasing.

3. Check for signs of insect infestation or rot by inspecting any exposed logs or joints from outside and inside the building. If there is any sign of these problems it may be best to look for another second hand log cabin as this could lead to long term structural issues going unnoticed until it is too late to fix them easily.

4. Ask questions about how long the previous owners have had the log cabin, why they are selling it and if they have kept up with maintenance during their time with it. This can give you an idea of what the future holds for your own second hand log cabin purchase should you decide to move forward with buying it. 

5. Measure any windows, doors or other openings to make sure they will fit your intended use of the log cabin should you choose to purchase it second hand. Ensure that all measurements meet your requirements before committing to buy as trying to retrofit these items after purchase could be a costly process depending on size and complexity needed for installation and labor costs associated with same 

6. Consider the location of the second hand log cabin when making your decision for purchase as this can greatly influence both cost associated with moving it and potential future uses of said building once relocated at its final destination if applicable

7. Look into potential zoning laws or codes related to property setbacks that may apply when planning on purchasing a second hand log cabin before committing to buy since these regulations differ from state-to-state or city-to-city so being aware ahead of time can save additional hassle down road should unforeseen issues arise later on 

8. Speak with local contractors who specialize in constructing and restoring wood structures so they can give an unbiased opinion on condition of structure prior to purchase; this way you can get an accurate assessment right away without having to worry about surprise repairs needed after already being invested in project

9. Factor in additional costs related to foundation work, utility connections (if applicable), landscaping/land clearing (if required) and other items that may need attention prior or after relocation/installation when budgeting out expenses associated with purchase as these costs add up quickly if not taken into consideration beforehand  

10. Don’t forget about extra transportation fees (if required) since hauling a heavy item over long distances adds up quickly; potentially speaking with companies specializing in hauling large objects like shipping containers, modular homes etcetera can help bring down cost significantly depending on location


Why second-hand log cabins are a worthwhile investment?

Second-hand log cabins are a wise investment for many reasons.

  • For starters, log cabins offer a unique, rustic charm that is not replicable in other materials. Log cabins can be made from different varieties of wood, such as cedar and pine, which hold up to nature’s elements better than other woods. This makes them more durable and able to last longer than traditional wood homes.
  • Additionally, they are more energy efficient due to their thick walls that keep the interior insulated and cool during the summer months.
  • Furthermore, log cabins have the potential to increase the value and marketability of your property in comparison to traditional wooden homes, making it a worthwhile long-term investment.
  • They also come with fewer maintenance costs due to the natural decay-resistant properties of their logs compared to standard wood siding or brick exteriors.
  • Finally, log cabins offer an aesthetically pleasing aesthetic that can be appreciated by anyone who visits your property or lives in it.

With all these benefits combined, it’s no wonder why second-hand log cabins are a great investment!

Benefits of Investing in Second-Hand Log Cabins

  • Cost Savings
  • Time and Labor Savings
  • Additional Living Space
  • Aesthetic Appeal and Durability


Investing in a second hand log cabin can be an excellent decision for those looking for additional living space, cost savings and beautiful aesthetic value. Not only are these cabins highly durable and resistant to decay, but they also require less time and labor when it comes to maintenance. Furthermore, the unique rustic charm of the logs provides an aesthetically pleasing look that is not replicable with other materials. With all these benefits combined, investing in a second-hand log cabin is sure to pay off!