What Is Half Log Siding & The Benefits Of Installing Half Log Siding On Your Home?

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Half-log siding is a type of exterior cladding that gives your home an attractive, rustic look while providing superior protection against the elements. With proper installation and maintenance, this product will last for years to come, increasing both aesthetic appeal and property value without breaking the bank. Read on for more information about what is half log siding and how it can benefit your next project!

What is half log siding?

Half-log siding is a type of home exterior look that can be created with siding materials that are made to resemble half-logs. The simulated logs used in this type of siding are usually milled from pine or cedar and come with a tongue-and-groove design.

  • This helps to create the look of full logs, but without the added weight and cost associated with them. Additionally, half-log siding comes pre-finished, making it easier for homeowners to install it quickly and easily.
  • Half-log siding provides more than just an attractive aesthetic; it also offers additional energy efficiency benefits compared to traditional cladding materials. Half-log siding may also offer some soundproofing qualities as well due to its dense composition.

Overall, half-log siding is an excellent choice for those looking for an attractive exterior option that offers superior energy efficiency benefits and low maintenance upkeep as well. It gives off a rustic charm that can help your home stand out from others in your neighborhood while saving you money in both heating and cooling costs over time!

How to install half log siding?

Installing half-log siding is a great way to give your home an authentic log cabin look. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install half-log siding, to help you achieve the perfect rustic look.

1. Install the foundation: Begin by laying down 2″ x 4″ pressure-treated lumber as a frame base for the wall on which you will be installing the siding. Make sure you secure the frame to your wall using three-inch deck screws or nails at each end. 

2. Measure and cut logs: Measure the length of each side of your wall and mark where you need to cut each log on a full length log with a saw, power saw, or handsaw. Remember that logs should overlap slightly so that when installed, there will be no gaps between them and none of the wood should show through. 

3. Install starter strip: Using galvanized nails, attach the starter strip along one edge of your wall at least 1/4″ away from the edge of your frame base. The starter strip helps create an even edge for all logs to fit against as well as providing structural support for heavier logs located higher up on the wall surface. 

4. Install first log: Nail through both ends of this first log into the two sides of your frame base with galvanized nails and then slide it into place along your starter strip edge until it fits snugly against it without any gaps showing in between them. 

5. Install remaining logs: Continue nailing each log in place following this same method until you have completed one side of your wall surface with overlapping logs which will not leave any gaps visible in between them once they are completely installed across all four walls in this area of your home exterior project.  

How to replace half log siding?

Step 1: Gather the materials needed for replacing your half log siding. You’ll need a hammer, nails, measuring tape, pry bar, saw, sealant or caulking material, and a replacement log siding piece that is the same size as the one you’re replacing. 

Step 2: Measure out the old log siding piece exactly so that you can find a replacement that’s the same size. Make sure to include measurements of both the length and width of the panel to ensure accuracy when choosing a new piece. 

Step 3: Remove the existing log siding by using a pry bar to carefully lever off each panel. Be careful not to damage any of the underlying wall structure as you do this. 

Step 4: After removing all of the existing panels, use a saw to cut away any protruding nails from where they were attached to the wall structure. This will help make sure that your new panel fits flush against it without any issues. 

Step 5: Take your replacement log siding piece and place it over top of where you just removed an old one from. Use your hammer and nails to attach it securely in place against the underlying wall structure. Make sure that you’ve driven in each nail completely so there’s no chance of them coming loose again later on down the line. 

Step 6: Once all of your new logs have been nailed in place securely, use some sealant or caulking material around their edges and along any joints between them in order to keep water out and maintain their structural integrity over time. Let this dry before proceeding further with any finish work on top of it or painting over it if desired.

How to remove half log siding?

Step 1: Gather the appropriate tools for the job, including a pry bar, hammer, protective gloves and eyewear, a utility knife, a pair of pliers, and a handsaw.

Step 2: Put on your protective gear before beginning to work.

Step 3: Find the nails that are securing the log siding to the wall. Carefully remove each one with your pliers or hammer. Be sure to remove the nails with caution as they may be brittle.

Step 4: Use your utility knife to cut along any seams between two logs, being careful not to cut into either of them. This will make it easier to remove the siding you’re attempting to take off. 

Step 5: Starting at one end of your project area, use your pry bar or hammer to loosen the log you’re looking to remove from its place on the wall. Work slowly and carefully so that you don’t damage either the remaining logs or anything else around them in the process.

Step 6: Once you have loosened up enough space between two logs, take hold of both sides firmly with your gloves and slowly pull outward until you can get both ends away from their fixed position on either side of an adjoining log siding piece. Then slide this unwanted piece outwards until it is free of all other logs at which point it should come off easily in your hands. 

Step 7: If necessary trim off any excess wood sticking out with a handsaw – this is especially important if there are uneven edges that could cause injury when handling new pieces. 

Step 8: Dispose of old log siding in accordance with local regulations – some areas require that woodwork be burned while others allow logging companies to pick up old wood for reuse after being separated into different species types.

Where to buy half log siding?

Homestead Timbers

  • Address:  14840 16th Ave, Marne, MI 49435
  • Phone:  +1 616-677-5262

At Homestead Timbers, you’ll find the best of the best when it comes to half log siding. Our half logs come from the highest quality timber and are finished with a rustic look that adds character and charm to any home. Our half logs are also incredibly durable; they are designed to last for generations. The wood is naturally resistant to rot, decay, and insect damage, making them an excellent choice for homes in any climate.

Twin Creeks Log Home Supply

  • Address: 17 Business Way, Johnson City, TN 37615
  • Phone: +1 423-477-3107

Buying half log siding from Twin Creeks Log Home Supply offers homeowners the opportunity to create a unique look without breaking the bank. In addition to its aesthetic appeal and ease of installation, this type of cladding is also extremely durable and weather-resistant making it ideal for long-term use in almost any environment imaginable.

So if you’re looking for an attractive way to improve your home at an affordable cost then consider investing in high quality half log siding today!

Sisson Log Homes Building Supply

  • Address: 715 Summit St, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
  • Phone: +1 706-632-3053

When selecting materials for your next home improvement project, take some time to consider Sisson Log Homes Building Supply’s selection of half log siding. Not only will you be investing in superior quality products but also contributing towards preserving our planet’s fragile ecosystems – making a significant positive impact on both yourself and future generations alike!

How much is half log siding?

According to HomeAdvisor, it can cost anywhere from $3.50 to $5 per square foot depending on the type, quality, and availability of the material.

When estimating the total cost of half-log siding for your project, it is important to factor in additional costs such as installation fees. Installation fees can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the project and whether or not any additional materials are needed such as nails or screws. 

Additionally, some contractors may offer discounts when larger amounts of siding are purchased or when multiple areas are being covered at once. This could allow you to save money in the long run by paying a bulk rate rather than an individual price per square foot. 

To get an accurate estimate on how much half-log siding will cost for your project, it’s best to consult with local suppliers and contractors who can make sure that you’re getting high-quality products at competitive prices.

Taking into consideration all factors involved with installation and purchase prices will help give you a better idea as to how much your project may cost overall so that you can budget accordingly.

How to repair half log siding?

Step 1: Prepare the area to complete the repair. This may involve removing objects, furniture, and debris from the area you will be working in. Make sure that all tools are readily accessible. 

Step 2: Determine how much log siding needs to be replaced. Measure the length of the missing siding and plan for an appropriate replacement size. Use a tape measure to measure along a level or straight line wherever possible to get an accurate measurement. 

Step 3: Carefully remove any existing nails or fasteners attaching the siding with a pry bar or drill, if necessary. Ensure that the work area is clear of any debris prior to starting this process, as some pieces may fly when being removed due to force used during removal. 

Step 4: Install new half-log siding in place of the damaged piece(s). If additional support is needed, consider nailing additional backing boards with screws/nails over any joints that need reinforcement. Secure any attached materials with galvanized nails designed for outdoor use and appropriate for wood applications.

Step 5: Once secure into place, use caulk sealant specifically designed for wood applications and apply around the edges of new half log siding where it meets other pieces of existing siding or trim (as well as around any nails used). Make sure that the caulk adheres firmly without leaving gaps or air pockets between surfaces – this will help prevent moisture from entering and causing further damage down the line. 

Step 6: Finish off by painting over entire repair area using exterior grade paint/stain designed for wood application – this will help protect against future weathering and sun exposure as well as provide an aesthetic upgrade to your home’s exterior look!

How to clean half log siding?

Step 1: Gather the necessary cleaning supplies. You will need a pressure washer, garden hose, deck scrub brush, mild detergent, ladder, and gloves. 

Step 2: Fill a bucket with warm water and add a few squirts of the mild detergent. 

Step 3: Put on your protective gear such as safety glasses and gloves. 

Step 4: Start at the top of the half log siding and work your way down using a ladder for proper footing. 

Step 5: With a garden hose or pressure washer (set to low setting), rinse off dirt, mud, cobwebs, and any other debris from the siding’s surface. Make sure to get into all crevices then wipe down with a damp cloth if there is still residue present. 

Step 6: Add some of the detergent solution directly to your deck scrub brush or attach it to an extension pole for added reach and ease of use. 

Step 7: Scrub away dirt and grime in circular motions until you’re satisfied that all debris has been removed from the half log siding’s surface. Be sure to pay extra attention to any areas that may be particularly grimy or discolored since they could require some additional elbow grease or multiple attempts at cleaning them off properly. 

Step 8: Rinse away any remaining soap residue with a garden hose or pressure washer set to low settings then wipe down with a clean cloth for extra shine when finished. 

Step 9: Allow the half log siding to completely dry before applying any kind of sealant or stain to help preserve its look for years to come!

How to nail half log siding?

Step-by-step guide to nailing Half Log Siding:

1. Preparing the siding: Before beginning to nail, you must prepare the siding boards by cutting them to the desired length with either a circular saw or a miter saw. Be sure that all cuts are made carefully, as mistakes could compromise the integrity of your siding.

2. Pre-drilling pilot holes: Once the boards have been cut and sanded, pre-drill pilot holes at regular intervals in each board with a power drill and an appropriate-sized bit for your chosen nails. The size of the drill bit should be slightly smaller than that of the nail head so that when hammered in, it can safely hold up against gravity and regular movement due to wind or other elements without becoming loose over time. 

3. Applying primer and paint: Once the pilot holes are drilled, apply a primer coat along both sides of each board before painting with the desired color for your siding job. This will ensure maximum adhesion between the wood and whatever finish you choose to go with on top of it. 

4. Installing fasteners: Now that everything is prepped, it’s time to begin nailing. Hammer in galvanized roofing nails at each pre-drilled pilot hole with a hammer while making sure they are securely fastened into place without splitting or damaging any neighboring pieces of wood or nails already in place.

5. Sealing edges: Finally, apply sealant around each joint between boards as well as along all exposed edges which could be vulnerable to weather damage if left unsealed for too long periods of time due to moisture accumulation from rain and snow.


Is half log siding easy to install?

Half log siding is a type of home exterior finish that gives the look and feel of real logs without the need for full-length, real wood logs. It is composed of half-length logs, which are installed in an overlapping manner to give your home a rustic, natural look. Half log siding is easy to install, making it an ideal choice for do-it-yourselfers who want to save on labor costs when giving their homes an inviting new look. 

How long does it take to install a half log siding wall?

Installing a half log siding wall can be a fairly straightforward job, but it does require certain skills and tools to get the job done properly. Generally speaking, the installation of a half log siding wall will take between one and two days, depending on the size of the area that needs to be covered.

To begin with, you will need to measure and mark out the area that you wish to cover. Once this is done, you can start to line up your boards. It is important to make sure they are level and straight before nailing them into place. You should also use an adhesive when fitting each board in order to ensure they fit securely together. 

Does half log siding require maintenance over time?

Yes, half log siding does require maintenance over time. As with any type of siding, regular maintenance and upkeep is important in order to ensure the integrity and longevity of your half-log siding.

This type of siding is particularly vulnerable to moisture and weathering, so it’s especially important to keep a close eye on it. In order to protect your siding from the elements, you should ensure that you clean it regularly by using a soft brush or cloth and hose down any dirt or debris.

Can you paint the surface to customize half log siding?

Yes, you can paint the surface of half log siding in order to customize it and give your home a more unique look. Painting this type of siding is important for protecting the wood from damage due to weather and pests, as well as preserving its aesthetic appeal over time. 


Now that we reach the end of this blog post, you should have a better understanding of what is half log siding. We hope that you will consider using this type of siding for your next home improvement project!